Wed, Jun 21
School Tour 6/21/23
We look forward to seeing you in person and showing you around our amazing school!
Jun 21, 2023, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Charleston, 56 Leinbach Dr, Charleston, SC 29407, USA
We look forward to meeting you and showing you around... face-to-face, in person, live and in real time!
We are excited to educate you about our program and answer any questions that you may have about the Montessori philosophy and/or our curriculum at Charles Towne Montessori.
Please try to arrive few minutes early. The tour will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. The tour could take up to two hours depending on attendance and the amount of questions families ask.
This tour is for parents/guardians only. It is important that families are able to hear the information and ask questions without distraction. There will be other opportunites in the enrollment process for children to visit the campus.
Parking is limited, but you are welcome to park in our carline all along the front of our school and/or in the cul de sac directly in front of our school. Please do not park in the Baker Motor lot across the street or you may be towed!
Also, please begin to educate yourself about the Montessori Method by exploring all of the useful information on our website and watching the videos here: https://www.charlestownemontessori.org/parent-education-articles